Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dear Soul-Mate..

Sometimes, I realize I am fighting inside to fill up the space where you once were, and it's too hard, so I stop fighting. And then a wave washes over me, I hear your voice, or see the color of your eyes, or hear your laugh; and I am undone. The tears come out of my eyes, and I weep because I know you are somewhere I cannot reach. I miss you every day, and I will miss you every day for the rest of my life.

I gave the best part of myself to you; whatever is left now of me, is not the same. I gave myself to you, and I do not regret it. Truly, my equal, my best friend, my everything. I cannot be sad for too long, because it isn't right to cry when I think of the warmth and love we shared.

Now you are gone, but I carry you. I truly meant forever when I said it, and I know you did, too. Honestly, I am not afraid of the other side because I know you will be there waiting, however long it takes. As long as I live, no one shall take your place. You. You are so, so wrong about me, and yet nothing will allow you to see that. You've made up your mind. But you're wrong. It's okay. But sometimes I wish we could be together, because I love you, and I like the way our fingers fit together, when we hold hands in the car in the dark, with your children laughing in the back seat.
At the moment, I still have feelings for you, proof is this letter. You made it clear that you do not share those same emotions. I cannot fall into that vicious cycle. There is no worse pain, than those that is unrequited. So, I must let this situation subside. To do that, I must distance myself from you. You say your life was fine before we met and continue to be fine long after. I hope you are wrong.

There may be others for you, but my name is written on your beating heart, and every breath I take, every moment on this earth that I have, will always be in some way, a memorial to you.

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