Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Again, its been a long time since I've wrote. I haven't felt up to much since arriving back at my parents house after the break-up. Here we go again. I dont really know what to write right now, I just wanted to check in. My heart strings and angel wings are broken and I haven't felt like doing anything except cry and mourn the loss or going of my partner 7 weeks ago. What can I say? I worked hard to re-gain his trust and it seemed like all a waste of time to go through therapy and all. I know I was supposed to do it for me. I guess another lesson learned. I hope I will be able to regain some strength, solitude and hopefulness in the coming months but right now all I think about is him and I want him to come back. I am torn. Im sure he feels the same way. I hope he does anyways. He changed his phone number, partially my own fault for calling so much to repair things, but still, he still talks to his ex wives yet he cant speak to me..I thought I was his soul mate as he has told me so many times. The older you get the wiser you become about love and relationships. I will never recover from this one, this was the one true bond Ive always wanted and worked hard to keep. He will always be my soul mate, my best friend, my lover..even if far away..I will never give up hope or give up on us. Call me crazy for thinking this way but what can I say..when you know you know. My mother says I will remain only being half a person without him and I believe this to be true.

I hope he reads this and finds some solice in his heart or atleast some love left for me to see us through another journey. I love you....
Ill write more later, its bed time..

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